Very Aggresive Perc


I need some expert advice. The first fish added to our tank was a true perc. We have just discovered he has been killing the other fish we are adding. We thought we had a predator but just discovered the predator is the clown.
He has killed a six line wrasse and just killed our new dwarf flame angel. I was wondering if we should put him in our QT tank for a few weeks and while he is out add our new fish, some new LR and re aquascape. At this point I would reintroduce him to the DT and hope that he will then be the newbie and not quite so territorial.
What do the experts think?
46 Gallon Reef Tank
40 pounds live rock
1 true perc
1 royal dottyback
assorted snails
1 devil's hand
1 zoo
blue mushrooms
temp 78.2
ph 8.40
salinity 1.023
ammonia 0
nitrate 15
nitrite 0
calcium 340