very agressive picasso trigger


New Member
he is a killing machine. i dont know if i should get rid of him or what. i also have a dogface puffer and a stars and stripes puffer that he get along with but so far he has killed a lawnmower blenny that only lasted about 2 days and all the blue crabs i had. he also would attack a grouper i once had. i need a few things for clean up crew but he just kills them all any suggestions on what to do with him or what he might get along with. i wanted to get a cleaner wrasse but i dont know what will happen. :notsure:


Active Member
the fish is acting just as its known and suppose to. Lawnmower blenny stands little chance in a tank with one and clean up crews will become snacks. you have to keep the tank clean via maintenence (in which case again the trigger may make difficult by trying to attack you). this (fish/triggers in particular) is why full on aggressive tanks suck for many people (and whats an aggressive tank without a trigger. this is the only fish that would make me start one). I'd suggest a glass scraper with a long handle (Kent makes one), a UV sterilizer/phospate remover ect to reduce algae growth if you are having algae difficulties and siphon out the detritus during water changes (while keeping an eye on the trigger).


New Member
thanks for i the info, so far that has been the only way to keep my tank clean is with an alge scraper and such.


Active Member
well there's always filtration and such but yes generally with an aggressive tank you have to do it without the clean up crew that normally help eat the algae, keep the sandbed stirred and eat food not eaten by the fish.


I would go with some huge hermits......I have three in my tank right now and they do a great job.....the fish don't bother them too much either....A trigger is definetely not going to go with a cleaner wrasse though....that would be an expensive appetizer...


New Member
so i think i am going to have to get rid of my trigger. so that leaves me with a dogface and a stars and stripes. no you guys think i can have a lawnmower blenny, cleaner wrasse and a yellow tang in there, along with some blue crabs? i was also thinking some shrimp but i dont think they will last long


Active Member
most suitable size tangs, foxface or other rabbit fish should do okay with the puffers and help take care of algae on the rocks. I wouldn't trust the puffers with any crabs except large hermits that they cant get their beak around to crush. Sallylight foot crabs might last only because they are way too fast for most puffers (or people) to catch if they are paying attention to their surroundings.


i guess i must have gotten lucky with my picasso, he is the most peacful fish in my tank. i have with him
a blue spot puffer (the most aggresive fish in the tank always biting fins)
a juvi emperor
a pair of maroon clowns
2 humbugs
and a SFE