very awckword... need serious help


New Member
ok about 2 days ago my anemone died for unexplaind reasons. i took it out and flushed it because it was nolonger coverd by fish store. Then yesterday morning i fed the fish, came home from football practice and everything was dead. The 2 clowns, 2 turbo austria, 2 turbo mexican, 2 nassarius, a peperment shrimp and a arrowhead crab. i think there might be three reasons for the deaths but still not sure.
1. It could be because the food was a new type but ive been feeding that to them for a week.
2. Most likely because the amonea spiked up past 10 during the day,(well after i removed all the dead and tested the water)
3. It could be because there was an electric shock in the water wich killed them all and then spiked the amonea.
i dont think the amonea spiked because of a cycle because the tank was up and running for 7 months after the fist one, and i dont think it was because the tank was overstocked because it has been that full for over 5 months without any trouble. Also it is a 30 gal. tank with 40lbs. of live sand and 20 lbs of live rock then 8lbs of base(wich is live now). Gonna test the amonea again during lunch break and tell you what it is.
All help would be highly apreciated and any other sugestions that i could look into would be helpfull also.


Active Member
I highly doubt that it was the new food that you used. My questions to you are:
-What are the nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, pH, and specific gravity of the tank?
-How high did the ammonia spike when the anemone died?
-If you did not test the water when the anemone died, do you know at least an approximate time frame of how long the dead anemone was in the water? For instance, if you left for school and it was still there, was it dead when you got home?
-Also, when did you get the anemone? You mentioned that it was not "covered" by the store anymore. I take it that it is fairly new then.


Active Member
The dead anemone could have poisoned the tank. I'd do major water changes and run lots of carbon before adding more livestock.


Active Member
Dead anemones are like balls of pure poison when they die if allowed to disintegrate.
However, to help you we need all your results. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, specific gravity, ph, alkalinity, calcium, phosphate, temp, etc..
ps- you are going to want to run carbon to clear your water of anemone poison.