Very bad day

Well my pump caught on fire and electocuted all the fish and corals and they all died.
My mom says i may never be able to set up a tank again because of that shes so iGNAOrANT! she beter let me set up my 30 gallon!:mad:


Active Member
sorry about your loss. tell her it wont happen again and i think it caught on fire because it needed to be replaced

Originally posted by YellowTail
sorry about your loss. tell her it wont happen again and i think it caught on fire because it needed to be replaced

I told her that but she still wont listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
:notsure: :mad: :nope:


Waterfaller1-Yep, GFCI would have most definately prevented this from happening. This is exactly what they are designed for.
Very sorry for your loss fishfreak. I'd be hearbroken if it happened to me