my clarkii clown, which was just fine before we got another clarkii about 3 weeks ago to go with him, now has VERY torn up fins, we tryed to put him in a tank by him self, but it didnt get better, and we thought maybe it was the other clown doing it because he is always chaseing him, but today we checked on him, and just over night it went from one or maybe 2 torn fins, to EVERY fin, and VERY TORN, his anal fin is in the worst shape, he has trouble even swiming anyway, and no matter what we do he wont get better! is this some kind of disease or is it the other clown???? and if it is a disease, and i REALLY hate saying this, should we put him our of his pain and send him to the big tank in the sky?? i hate to see him like this, he can barly even eat anymore, its really sad, can someone help pls??