very bad luck


New Member
I purched some gulf live rock about 3 weeks ago and some fiji rock 4 days ago and I hadn't noticed any hitchhickers until last night. My daughter and I were looking at the rock and we noticed a gorilla crab slip into a hole so we quickly grabed out the rock and removed him. I've read that they are bad but being very new to this hobby I thought it was pretty cool to see a new creature in there. I looked hard for a while longer and couldn't finding anything else.
This morning I get up and switch on my lighting and my 4 days new mated pair of coral banded shrimp are hanging out on some lr to great me. When I returned home from work this evening the shrimp were on the same rock. As I aproached the tank I took a triple take when I saw three standing there????? Actually it was a hitchhicker male that had already killed my mated male and was attacking my female. All I had in my 120g where those cb shrimp and a small clean up crew........
Im definatly learning the hard way.... I tried to add fish to my tank last month(lfs said it was ok to do) and I ended up with ick and wiped all but one out who is now going to live in my qt for 2 months. I'll chalk this up to another lesson learned.... sorry, I just needed to vent.


New Member
I'm going to let the ick cycle die in my main tank without hypo or copper. From what I've read this can take 6 - 8 weeks to happen. I just want to be safe before I add my tomato clown back in.


had the same thing happen, and I am at the 40 day mark since the second outbreak of ich - I added Cleaner shrimp and they did a good job on the initial problem, but once the ich cycled 10 days later all H broke loose. Lost all but 3.
due to severity of the second outbreak, i had to take my reef completely apart to try to get the living fish out for treatment and quarantine, and remove the dead ones- All happened when I was on a business trip.
Anyway, so far looking good. I had left 1 greem chromis in the reef tank, put the reef back together and treated with No-ICH (which is reef safe). This weekend going to buy the ugliest cheapest fish I can find and put it in the quarantine tank for 10 days- if no problems then the main tank for 10 days, then if still no probelms start building up my main tank with fish again.
The reason for the ugly cheap fish both just in case and then a constant reminder to Quarantine, Quarantine, Quarantine


New Member
Well I never thought about that... You very well may be right. They seem to be getting along fine now..... hahaha... I just figured with the way things have been going that the male was dead. You know... the cup is half empty and not half full... haha..
I bet you were right though. Would the molt have all the claws in perfect color? Boy I feel like a dumb ass.