Very Easy Carbon Usage Question To Be Answered


Anyone have any idea how long to leave a mesh carbon bag in the system and the life span of the carbon ??
Can it be re used ? I heard that it can be baked on a cookie sheet st 400 degrees and then re used for a while.


Staff member
If you want the full effects of carbon, then it needs to be changed out every 3 weeks. No reuse.


Originally Posted by Beth
If you want the full effects of carbon, then it needs to be changed out every 3 weeks. No reuse.
Awesome. Thank you for the info. Would you suggest constantly using it or just once in a while ??
If once in a while, what kind of intervals ?


Staff member
Depends on your type of system on whether I'd consider using it at all. Aggressive and FO, probably just do polishing 1x a week. Reef tank, never use it. FOWLR, once in while if needed. QT, after a sickness episode following medication treatment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Depends on your type of system on whether I'd consider using it at all. Aggressive and FO, probably just do polishing 1x a week. Reef tank, never use it. FOWLR, once in while if needed. QT, after a sickness episode following medication treatment.
Weird, in my reef, every single time I use it I get another brown sand breakout (phosphates). I thought that stuff was supposed to clean, not dirty up your tank. I rinse all the dust out of the bag, but still it happens every time. I'm buying more and more into the "don't use it at all theory".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Depends on your type of system on whether I'd consider using it at all. Aggressive and FO, probably just do polishing 1x a week. Reef tank, never use it. FOWLR, once in while if needed. QT, after a sickness episode following medication treatment.

Hey Beth, can you direct me to a thread why to never use it in a reef? (if there's one that comes to mind, rather than a long explanation by you) Thanks!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keri
Hey Beth, can you direct me to a thread why to never use it in a reef? (if there's one that comes to mind, rather than a long explanation by you) Thanks!!
I'll take the long explanation by her

Don't worry, she enjoys this stuff


Originally Posted by Beth
Depends on your type of system on whether I'd consider using it at all. Aggressive and FO, probably just do polishing 1x a week. Reef tank, never use it. FOWLR, once in while if needed. QT, after a sickness episode following medication treatment.

Why bad on a reef tank ??
Thank you :)


Hope this helps
Granular Activated Carbon or GAC is manufactured from carbon, typically coal. The two most common forms are bituminous and lignite based. Another form that is not made from coal is coconut shell based, which is also referred to as hardwood GAC.
What Does GAC Do?
The use of activated carbon in marine tanks is considered to be a form of chemical filtration. Working through absorbtion, GAC removes gelbstoff (the compounds that give water in an aquarium the yellow tint), some large organic molecules, medications, chlorine, pollutants and toxins, as well as many other types of chemical elements and compounds from the water that a protein skimmer or another means of filtration may not remove.
What Filtration Method is Best For Using Carbon?
The best method appears to be by "active" means, which translates into passing water through the carbon by way of a carbon chamber at a slow water flow rate, because if the water is passed through too fast it does not give the carbon a change to fully do its job.
Passive filtration works to some degree, which means placing the carbon in a mesh bag and mounting or hanging it inside the tank or a sump with the water circulating "around" it, but is not really effective for removing yellowing compounds.
How Often Should Carbon be Used?
The two main concerns about using carbon in a saltwater system is that carbon often leaches phosphate into the aquarium, and that it removes necessary trace elements needed by reef animals, particularly corals.
The Phosphate Leaching Issue
As far as phosphate goes, you want to remove this element from your tank, not add it.
A high phosphate accumulation in saltwater aquariums can lead to aggressive hair algae blooms that are difficult to get rid of, and since some brands of carbon may leach phosphate into an aquarium, you should test the carbon you are using, or going to use, for leaching. If you find any relevent traces, change to a different brand.
The Trace Element Absortion Issue
There has been an ongoing controversy amongst aquarist for years if you should use carbon continuously, just when needed, or even at all. The trend leans towards using carbon only when there is really a reason its use is warranted, because a healthy system, particulary one that has an adequate protein skimmer installed should not require it. Richard Harker's iodide absorption test results lead him to conclude that, "the use of carbon has minimal impact on iodide concentrations and that passive use of carbon has no lesser affect on iodide levels than active use." Our conclusion here is that if you decide to use GAC on a continuous basis and are concerned about the possible loss of trace elements, add some trace element supplements in conjunction with the activated carbon, as well as bypass the water flow through the carbon for a short period of time before and after supplements have been added to allow it to be absorbed by the reef life and not the carbon.
How Much Carbon Should Be Used?
More is not always best, and using the least amount of carbon necessary is recommended. The general concensus here is that a quantity of about 3 level tablespoons of GAC per 50 gallons of actual tank water volume should be sufficient to keep a saltwater aquarium or reef tank system color free.
How Often Should Carbon Be Changed?
Like most other absorbing compounds, carbon can only absorb as much as it can hold. Once it has taken in as much as it can, it becomes exhausted, which means it is unable to absorb anything more. For this reason it needs to be changed and replaced, or rejuvinated for reuse. Not all aquariums run the same, so as far as determining when to change the carbon, this is something you will have to figure out on your own. By sight you definately know it's time when the aquarium water begins to get a yellow tinge to it, but there are ways to test it as well (see links below). The bottom line is that it's best to use smaller amounts changed more often. The FINS Reefkeepers Granular Activated Carbon FAQ provides a WARNING to take into consideration; not changing all the carbon too quickly if your water is significantly yellow, as this can expose corals to too much UV light abruptly which can lead to coral bleaching, and possible death.


SteelGluer....AWESOME information. Not only did you inform me, you educated me in simple terms. Thank you so so much.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I'll take the long explanation by her

Don't worry, she enjoys this stuff

And I enjjoy her explanations! I just didn't want to make her have to retype something if she'd allready put it somewhere

Originally Posted by SteelGluer

Hope this helps
Granular Activated Carbon or GAC is manufactured from carbon, typically coal. The two most common forms are bituminous and lignite based. Another form that is not made from coal is coconut shell based, which is also referred to as hardwood GAC.
What Does GAC Do?
The use of activated carbon in marine tanks is considered to be a form of chemical filtration. Working through absorbtion, GAC removes gelbstoff (the compounds that give water in an aquarium the yellow tint), some large organic molecules, medications, chlorine, pollutants and toxins, as well as many other types of chemical elements and compounds from the water that a protein skimmer or another means of filtration may not remove.
What Filtration Method is Best For Using Carbon?
The best method appears to be by "active" means, which translates into passing water through the carbon by way of a carbon chamber at a slow water flow rate, because if the water is passed through too fast it does not give the carbon a change to fully do its job.
Passive filtration works to some degree, which means placing the carbon in a mesh bag and mounting or hanging it inside the tank or a sump with the water circulating "around" it, but is not really effective for removing yellowing compounds.
How Often Should Carbon be Used?
The two main concerns about using carbon in a saltwater system is that carbon often leaches phosphate into the aquarium, and that it removes necessary trace elements needed by reef animals, particularly corals.
The Phosphate Leaching Issue
As far as phosphate goes, you want to remove this element from your tank, not add it.
A high phosphate accumulation in saltwater aquariums can lead to aggressive hair algae blooms that are difficult to get rid of, and since some brands of carbon may leach phosphate into an aquarium, you should test the carbon you are using, or going to use, for leaching. If you find any relevent traces, change to a different brand.
The Trace Element Absortion Issue
There has been an ongoing controversy amongst aquarist for years if you should use carbon continuously, just when needed, or even at all. The trend leans towards using carbon only when there is really a reason its use is warranted, because a healthy system, particulary one that has an adequate protein skimmer installed should not require it. Richard Harker's iodide absorption test results lead him to conclude that, "the use of carbon has minimal impact on iodide concentrations and that passive use of carbon has no lesser affect on iodide levels than active use." Our conclusion here is that if you decide to use GAC on a continuous basis and are concerned about the possible loss of trace elements, add some trace element supplements in conjunction with the activated carbon, as well as bypass the water flow through the carbon for a short period of time before and after supplements have been added to allow it to be absorbed by the reef life and not the carbon.
How Much Carbon Should Be Used?
More is not always best, and using the least amount of carbon necessary is recommended. The general concensus here is that a quantity of about 3 level tablespoons of GAC per 50 gallons of actual tank water volume should be sufficient to keep a saltwater aquarium or reef tank system color free.
How Often Should Carbon Be Changed?
Like most other absorbing compounds, carbon can only absorb as much as it can hold. Once it has taken in as much as it can, it becomes exhausted, which means it is unable to absorb anything more. For this reason it needs to be changed and replaced, or rejuvinated for reuse. Not all aquariums run the same, so as far as determining when to change the carbon, this is something you will have to figure out on your own. By sight you definately know it's time when the aquarium water begins to get a yellow tinge to it, but there are ways to test it as well (see links below). The bottom line is that it's best to use smaller amounts changed more often. The FINS Reefkeepers Granular Activated Carbon FAQ provides a WARNING to take into consideration; not changing all the carbon too quickly if your water is significantly yellow, as this can expose corals to too much UV light abruptly which can lead to coral bleaching, and possible death.

Awesome explanation! Thank you very much - i think I may be using too much carbon, i've been throwing an "aquaclear 70" bag in there every two weeks (for a 65 gallon tank) I don't know how many teaspoons it is...maybe half a cup or more???