Very healthy algae?


Hi guys, I purchased more LR so that my clowns don't get sick of each other's faces so much--and to complete my arrangement. My one LR is slightly purple, very very slight, and slightly green, however this new rock that I got is ridiculously the opposite in terms of subtlety. It seems to be very heavily coated in this algae, it's almost neon green and maroonish purple and just seems to have a good layer of this on it. Is this what my rocks will eventually look like? I figured this is what a really healthy live rock looked like but I could be wrong >.<...
I have yet to take a picture of these purple/red leaves that are growing on my rocks...they seem to be getting more and more plentiful.
Also--because I was more concerned about the algae than I was about the bacteria--I did think of washing it, as the water it was thriving in was kinda stinky :eek:. I didn't wash it but if I had, would it have killed the algae? I'm hoping the stinky-ness is subtle enough to avoid stinking up my tank for a while.


I would worry about the smell. If the rock is smelly it could be a sign of a uncured rock and that would mean that you could inadverently cause another cycle in your tank. I would test your water levels.


Yeah I've been testing it. It seems that it's cured as I've had no spikes yet, but it just seems they keep the Live Rock tank full of yucky poop to help develop the bacteria (I guess?)...I don't really know, but thanks, I'll definitely keep a closer eye on it now.