Very Important Questions !!!


i have a lot of questions and if you dont mind answer me i will apreciated!!
so here we go!!
I have a 125 gallons Tank, 80 lb of Live rock, 40 of dead rock
Amonia 0
Nitrite 5
Nitrate 7 :happyfish
i dont know the ph
i am in my second week of cycle
1/ how do i feed an anemonie
2/i want to put an emperor angel and an annularis angel is there a chance that they wont kill each other or whats your best advice!! :happyfish
3/ will an clown trigger eat this fishes?
Mnadarin Psycodelic , a firefish Goby and a Jawfish
4/does the angels are gonna eat the anemonies
5/when do am gonna be ready to add fishes to the tank??


New Member
Hey Yupi,
My suggestion is wait until about 6 or 7 weeks cycle. You get a well establish eco. Then look for fish that will have a job in your set up. Like a tang (it will help keep algae down). Shrimp it a good scaverger for left over food not eaten, and so on.


Active Member
You have plenty of time to research the fishes you want. AND you have come to the right place!
When your nitrites are back down to 0, then the cycle is complete. Add fish slowly-allow several weeks between big changes to the "bio load" to allow bacteria to catch up.
Good luck! Be patient!
How about some pics of your tank??


hey farmboy thanks for the tip !!
i am gonna post some amazin pictures of my new tank i am very exited about it
i hate to be patinet but that's something i am gonna have to lear with this hobby...
also, my wife and i have noticed that we have become addicted to this because we go to the LFS almost every day to buy one thing and we step out with a 100 dolards bill everytime..hahahaha!!
i'll post the pictures on thursday for you to lookat!!
t :happy: hanks again


yet nobody have answerd me any of the first 4 questions i post..
please helppppppppppppppppppppp!!! :happy:


Yupi, you have a good start and have come to the right place for good info. The sand bed is up to you as far as how much you want. I think I have about 2-3 inches in my tank. Start out slow with your fish and adding them. some fish require a well established tank such as a tang. The tang should also be the last fish you add as they can be very territorial. A pair of clowns would be great to start with, but not until you have finished your cycle. When I say finish your cycle I mean there should be no signs of nitrites and IMO nitrates should be less than .03 to start off. As you add new fish sometimes this will rise until the bio load catches up. That is why I say add fish slowly. In your size tank 1 or 2 fish monthly especially if they are large or aggressive.
If you plan to have anemones then lighting needs to be a factor as well. They require a lot of light and a well established tank.
The mandarin is another fish that will require a lot of LR and a well established tank as they primarily live off of pods and can deplete a pod population rather quickly.
I have never had a clown trigger so I can not answer will they eat these other fish but chances are they may pick at them and stress them out. You may have to wait for some one else to answer that question or post it in the aggressive fish forum. So things are trial and error and what works for one person may not work for the other. As you know nothing is set in stone. Hope I have helped a little bit.
happy fishing
BTW, to feed an anemone you can give it krill, silver sides. and you would just lay it in their tenticles near their mouth . If you have clowns and they host the anemone the clowns will feed it as well.


Active Member
I will answer some of your questions. You cannot put the 2 angels in same tank, they will fight. You can't have a manderin unless your tank is about a yr old and you have a source of fod for them, they eat copods and little things your tank doesn't have yet. You can't have annenomies and corals and small fish in with a trigger fish, at least ones I have had, maybe a clown, not familiar with this trigger. Your tank will cycle soon, you will see.


Active Member
Just checking - you don't have the anemone yet, right? Because as mentioned lighting is critical (not the standard lighting) and they are not suitable for young tanks (under 6 months).
A clown trigger is not compatible with any of those small fish, nor is it, IMO, compatible with many fish at all. Clown triggers are some of the most aggressive, IME, triggers you may find, so you need to take care with what you put in with them.
I would definitely suggest doing some more research on what sort of fish or animals you like to keep, because many of these do not appear at this time to be compatible choices.