Very quick lighting question.


New Member
I have filled my 75 gallon with water and placed my sand in the bottom, the next step for me is to make my canopy and install the lights.
Since this will be a FOWLR, I decided to go with NO fluorescents. Should I go with 4 bulbs (160 watts) or 2 bulbs (80 watts)?


The two 50/50 should work out just fine, as was said you don't need alot of ligh for a folr tank I run 2 10000k and 1 actinic on my 125 fo and i am thinking of adding another actinic to bring out more color in my fish, the tank is bright enough thow. Good Luck


New Member
I was planning to go cheap on the lights with one or two 2-bulb fixtures from Home Depot built into a custom canopy. I was also wondering if actinics were of any use, but you guys answered that question as well.
Thanks again,