VHO bulb width


Active Member
I'm trying to see if I have enough room for a VHO setup in my DIY canopy. If I were to put 4 bulbs in my setup, how much space would they take up in width? The 24" bulbs are the longest I can fit, but I'm not sure how much width 4 bulbs would take up. Does that make any sense? Maybe this pic will help.


Active Member
Just to make sure I understand, you're saying that the bulb itself is 1.25" in diameter, and that I should allow for 1.5" between bulbs? So that would mean that a 4 bulb setup would be 24" long (length of the bulbs) by 11" wide ((1.5*4) + (1.25*4)). Is that correct?


I beleives he means 1/4" between bulbs...Also better to stager them...
If you can...That's what I'm going to do for mine...
Hope this helps...


that did not come out right..........Move one bulb in a bit...the other even with the first...last should be evenly moved in...
My 29 gal is 30" wide...so I'll spread (Stager) the bulbs to use up most of the 30" width...
Only enough space for endcap edge....(If side by side...the end caps would be touching)
I have four bulbs mounted side by side(not staggered) using 3 piece german endcaps and acrylic stand offs. It take up 10 1/2 inches. In your case 24"x10.5". The bulbs are as close together as I could get them and still manage to turn the endcaps.