vho,pc with sps


Anyone here running stictly VHOS or PC or mixed for sps corals? Also how have the sps been doing in this light setup. I currently have 4 95wt vhos for my 90g tank and thinking about adding 1 additional 96wt pc( possible 2x96) and going over to sps coral. Due to my canopy I cant go to MHs....


i have a 27 gallon with 130 watts of pc daylight/actinics. i put in pretty much whatever i want in their and they are doing fine. including clams and anemones.


Championlighting.com has 180g reef that is only running 4 160w VHOs and they said that both their SPS and Xenias are growning like crazy. Lighting is important, but I think placement and water quality is just as important. I don't have any SPS in any of my tanks, but from what I've heard, they need perfect water quality.

nm reef

Active Member
I run 4x65 10k pc's&2x110 03 actinic vho's. I recently added several acropora frags and what I believe to be a montipora digitata. Plus 3 nice sized blue ridge frags. All but 2 of the blue ridge are doing great. Several have sort of shed and returned with a lot more color and texture. Still relatively new to my system but to date they have done fine. I do have fairly high current and the water has been extremely stable for a very long time.


I'm in your same situation, I have a 90g planning on going with ice cap 660 ballists with 4 - 110watt VHO. My LFS guy strongly recommends PCs instead of VHO, do to the higher intensity for deeper water. Ice cap ballists can power PCs, so I am thinking of mixing PCs and VHO. The LFS guy says the corals will look better with VHO, but will be healtier with PCs. Let me know what you finally decide on.


Active Member
I have two acrapora in my tank for about a month now and they seem to be doing fine. The both show great polyp extension but I have not been ble to tell if they have grown any. I really need to get a digital camera. Anyway I have mine about 1-2 inches from the surface of the water almost in the middle of the tank. Good luck in what ever you choose. Oh btw I have 3 110 watt VHO and 2 55 watt pc.

richard rendos

Active Member
I think too the depth of the tank and placement of corals has a lot to do with the success rate of keeping these corals with VHO or PC. I do believe that growth rates will be faster with halides.


I actually had a 1x65 csl smartlite fiture laying around and I took it apart to intstall in my 90...I hook everything up and at the last second broke the bulb....*^$&#YTyut. anyway i think I will get the bulb replaced and try it also for a while.


I actually posted this same question a few days ago. I have a 29gallon with 2 95 watt vho's. Just bought extra lr(arrives tomorrow) so I could add sps frags high in the tank. I know that they won't thrive as much if under mh but since visiting championlighting and speaking to others about the subject I'm going to give it a shot.