VHO Set-Up

When setting up the VHO ballast to the bulbs I know where to put all the wires except the ones that are labeled GROUND. What do i do with those??


Active Member
most power cords you buy have a black and white and a green for ground connect it to that


Active Member
Where are the grounds that are in question? Are they on the power side of the ballast? or in the cord going up to the bulbs?
If they are on the power side of the ballast you will need a three wire cord and plug.
If they are going to the bulb they will need to be attached to a piece of metal (like your reflector) in your canopy.
edit: also these grounds that are in the cord going to the bulbs should be connected to the ballast housing...
Ok I'm confused, first there isnt even a power cord on the ballast, There are just two wires on one end and 4 on the other end. the ones labeled ground are black and white. The ballast are magnetic


Active Member
Now I'm confused :confused: . It sounds like you may have a single bulb ballast? Are you sure it's a VHO ballast? Here is a typical VHO ballast wiring diagram... I would suggest taking the ballast to an electrician or a electronic store to get help setting it up.
ReefNut, attached is the wiring diagram. What i don't understand is:
Where do I plug in the white and black wires?
How can I plug in the two yellow wires the way it shows on the diagram if there are only two wires with four connections?
I have two of these ballast and each can take two VHO or SHO lamps as stated on the ballast.


Active Member
The white and black are not grounds they are the power and neutral. You will need to buy a power cord. The power cord will connect to the black and white and then plug into the receptacle. The yellows... You need to cut two pieces of wire that is long enough to reach between the bulbs. Take one yellow, one piece of wire that you cut and one of the wires from the end cap and wirenut them together. Take the other end of the cut piece of wire to the other bulb's end cap and wirenut it to one wires coming from the end cap. Repeat for the second wire.
Sorry this is hard to explain, good luck and I still suggest getting someone to help like an electrician or someone familiar with electrical wiring.
Thanks a lot. I appreciate it greatly. So I'm going to go to Home Depot to get the power cord and some electrical wires, right?


Active Member
Another note if you still are not clear . . . . when you buy a three prong power cord, it will have three wires
1. Black
2. White
3. Green (Ground)
Your ballast has two wires
1. Black
2. White
Wire the two blacks togeither as well as the two whites, the GREEN wire should be connected to a piece of metal such as the ballasts casing. To do this, take some of the wire, wrap it around a screw, or use an eyelet contact and screw it into something so that there is a tight contact between the wrapped (Green) wire and the solid metal.
Another note about grounding things is that the wire must be toucing BARE metal . . . . no paint, no coatings, no labels, no nothing. BARE metal.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions