I was looking at the lights in the LFS and his VHO lights didnt look much brighter than NO Fluorescents. Ive saw several posts on here stating that the VHO's arent pulling many Amps either. So where does the 110W rating come from, I dont see how it is possible that those bulbs are pulling 110W each. The PC lights in the LFS looked much brighter??? So my question is, are VHO's and there 110W rating just a trick pulled on the hobbyist with the Watts/per gallon rule? Im trying to decide on lights to buy, but the more I learn the more I think I would be better off to just go to Lowe's and buy another 2 bulb(40x2) utility light fixture and get two 20K bulbs giving my tank 4x40W lights over it for another $50. ???!!!???