Video Gamers, need help.


I HATE getting stuck in video games. I am playing GTA: San Andreas and am in Whetrock and cannot find the diner I am supposed to go to to meet Carlos's cousin anywhere. Can anyone tell me? I get so frustrated with that stuff.:mad:
The game has been an excellent waste of time so far

Thanks a lot, Adam.


Active Member
Have you opened up all the islands? Its been so long since I played that game and I'm trying to remember what mission your talking about. Have you gotten to Zero's missions?


Hi Nas.
Nope, not to Zero yet. I just opened up the second Island(San Fierro or something) after being betrayed by Smoke and taken to a little town by Ten Penny. I was to kill a witness in protection(this I did) then I got a call from Carlos saying his cousin owns a restaurant out here and can help but the location is marked as a mystery on the map and I can't find it.


Active Member
I'm having a tough time remembering, I'll keep thinking.. FYI-Zero's mission's are the most difficult in the game, just something to look forward to.:)


Yea, I have heard of those missions.:nervous:
To be exact the mission before this is to kill a witness that is going to spill the beans about Ten Penny and how he opperates. The mission you would probably remember better is when There is going to a gang war between Grove Street and the Ballas but Carlos shows you that Smoke and Ryder are double crossing the gang. Then you have to get to Sweet before he dies, fight the Ballas, then get captured By Ten Penny and taken to second Island. This is not very far into the game and you will have to probably think WAYYYY back.
Once again to keep it fresh, my need is to find the restaurant Carlos's cousin runs. It is not a mission because I have no other missions availiable till I find this place. :mad: (Frustrating!!!!!)
Thanks for trying to help. I know I couldn't remember specific missions in Vice City if asked and that game is noy that long



I will be getting GTA SA when it come out for xbox. I just beat prince of persia 2, NOW THATS A GOOD GAME!:yes:


Yea, that game does look like fun.:yes: I never got to play the first one. The two games don't even look like there related in anyway, such an advance in visuals and 2 has a darker look. I want to play Ace Combat 5. I love that flight sim shoot em up stuff. I can play through all of shattered skies on ace mode, I LOVE IT.


I dont have GTA;SA but i have 3 and Vice City. I would check the little radar on the side of the screen. it usually shows where you need to go from there.



Originally posted by aschlauf
Yea, that game does look like fun.:yes: I never got to play the first one. The two games don't even look like there related in anyway, such an advance in visuals and 2 has a darker look. I want to play Ace Combat 5. I love that flight sim shoot em up stuff. I can play through all of shattered skies on ace mode, I LOVE IT.

Yeah i haven't played the first either...but who cares