Videos of my fish


Active Member
Looks good Pete...Forgot you had a Clown Trigger. I think it could actually work in your tank, a big Sohal can easily keep a Clown Trig. (or pretty much any fish for that matter) in check. Having a true alpha hopefully will help keep him from being too nasty.


Hopefully but I'm ready to take any fish out if there's a problem. So far so good though. The Sohal clearly runs the tank and none of the other fish are challenging him. The overall agression in the tank has actually gone down since I put in the Sohal, since now there's a clear alpha fish. My queen angel isn't bothering any other fish and the clown trigger minds his business.


nice fish, how big is your tank? also is that a blue throat trigger i saw the clown and niger? your fish look really good


That's a sargassum trigger, close cousin to the blue throat. The tank's 150gal. Since I took that video, I moved the Foxface to a 75gal reef I'm building. He's a lot happier now without the Sohal bothering him all the time and the Sohal's a lot happier without the Foxface eating his nori.


nice how many total fish where in there, i have a 135 gal with 7 fish in there blue throat pink tail trigger yellow tang maginficent foxface 2 clowns n jewell damsel. i want to get one more but dont want to push it.


I have a sohal tang, queen angel, clown trigger, niger trigger, sargassum trigger, yellow coris wrasse and cleaner wrasse. Since I took out the Foxface there's pretty much no agression at all. Sohal's the biggest at 10".
In my 75g reef I have the foxface and a pinktail trigger.


did you add all your triggers at the end, all together, seperate, i want to get a clown trigger but i dont want him to get pick on by the pink tail and the blue throat that have been in there a while.


Originally Posted by mjm889
did you add all your triggers at the end, all together, seperate, i want to get a clown trigger but i dont want him to get pick on by the pink tail and the blue throat that have been in there a while.
I added them separate over a period of about 2-3 years. The sargassum trigger was first, then the niger and the clown last. I had some other triggers in between that didn't really work out, like a goldheart that just hid in a cave all day, so after a while I sold it.
For you, I doubt the clown trigger is gonna get picked on by anything, so add him last. When I put my clown trigger in, he was the size of a quarter and I had pretty mean fish, including the much larger queen angel that ALWAYS bullies new additions. Well, nobody picked on the clown trigger, they all avoided him and he never backed down from anything. Every fish in the tank is still afraid of him, except maybe the sohal, he's got no respect for anything.


I love the videos Pete ! The Queen is a beauty. The Clown Trigger is an awesome fish, I wish I can get one