Views on Marine Bettas?


Are they easy to keep? Are they picky eaters? If you could post any little bits of info you have on Marine Bettas, I'd appreicate it. Thanks!


very shy fish want come i the open often when first intruduced in a tank. people have had them for years and they go hide when someone but you comes to look at the fish tank. hard to feed frozen most need to be feed live food in the begging like live ghost shrimp. you need to have a spot for them to hide. very hardy fish though alsome looking and when adjusted to your tank its a great fish to have just dont see it alot. you can also try mollies or guppies as food. hope this helps.


Originally Posted by puffer9006
very shy fish want come i the open often when first intruduced in a tank. people have had them for years and they go hide when someone but you comes to look at the fish tank. hard to feed frozen most need to be feed live food in the begging like live ghost shrimp. you need to have a spot for them to hide. very hardy fish though alsome looking and when adjusted to your tank its a great fish to have just dont see it alot. you can also try mollies or guppies as food. hope this helps.

Spell check and complete sentences may help as well.


Active Member
im pretty sure your not supposed to feed freshwater fish like mollies and guppies to marine fish.


Originally Posted by teen
im pretty sure your not supposed to feed freshwater fish like mollies and guppies to marine fish.
I tottally agree with TEEN , Marine bettas are very shy but very strong groupers as well !!
my two cents


When you first get it it will want live food,its easy to swith over to frozen a matter of days,when I feed it I add food at one end of tank for the other fish then at the other end for it, that way he gets his fair shear.


Active Member
I saw my first marine betta last night and it was hiding. The worker moved some rock to get it out but it went straight back into hiding. IMO, I can't have a fish that hides all the time because I will be worried that it's dead!


Active Member
Everyone I know that had one kept it by itself. Get a real big rock with a hole drilled through it and they hang out in there. They take a while but will eventually eat out of your hand. definately require a skilled patient aquarist.