Vitamin C Treatment?


I read that I should treat my tank with Vitamin C for my clown fish that is sick. I was wondering how I can do that. Would it hurt my other fish?
I have 1 Tang, 6 Damsels, 2 Hermit Crabs and 1 Snail
Please advice,


Staff member
Vit C is not a viable treatment for a sick fish. Vit C is a supplement that might address some nutritional dificiency, but it won't cure real illness. What is the problem with your fish?


My percula clown is not eating. I think it has either a scrape on its right side.
He seems to be swimming fine, but it's not eating.
I don't think it is ick or bortella.


Staff member
Give some details about the clown and the tank. How long have you had the fish and when did it start with not eathing? Notice any swelling or redness around gill areas? Water readings?


I've had a fish for a week now. It was doing fine in the beginning. We started to notice something red on one side of him on his left side.
It's now getting worse, he is mostly on the grown and doesn't socialize with the other clown.
We are going to treat him for Brookynella but I don't know if this is what he has.


Staff member
This don't look at all like brooklynella. Brook is a parasite, that kills pretty rapidly by the time you notice it. The fish typically will start sheading its skin, have very rapid gilling.
Give some details about your tank history, age, water readings. Is the tank a reef or a FO?? Have any other fish in the tank? You just got this clown?
I believe this is a bacterial infection and you will need to treat with antibiotics, but you need a separate hospital tank to do that. Antibiotic to use would be Maracyn Two for SW fish, double dose for 5-7 days, with a large water change just before redosing. However, you can not put antibiotics in reef or FOWLR tank.