Vitamins and garlic soaked food?!?!


You can soak your fish food in liquid vitamins to give it a boost. With some foods like brine shrimp, which have all most no nutritional value but yet fish like it, would definitely need a vitamin boost.
Soaking foods in garlic is used to enhance the flavor so it will be more appealing to the finicky eaters. Garlic is said to boost the immune system which could help in lessening the chances of the fish getting bacterial and fungal infections. And with a stronger immune system the fish has a better chance at fighting off parasities But there is no real scientific evidence that it will prevent any of the above.


For the vitamin suppliment you will be looking for selcon, zoe, or zoecon. You can literally just crush up a garlic clove, add a little bit of water and then pour the water from the galic mix on to your food, let it soak in for about an hour then feed. Or you can purchase garlic extract and add a few drops to the food once a week or so.