New Member
hey I brought a Vlamingi tang home about 1 1/2 month ago. He is eating ALOT! always looking for more. He is actually not letting other fish in the tank eat. I feed him about 4x per day. Mix of dried pellets. seaweed and mysis. I have to feed him alot then try and give extra for my clowns. Is this normal? He has grown from 2 1/2 inches to about 4 since I got him. I am scared to overfeed. But at the same time all parameters are fine and I want to make sure the others get fed.
Another question. I was told I should have about 100 snails and 100 cleaner crabs in my tank (125G) to keep it clean. right now i have about 30 of each. The tank has no visible algea and I'd like to make sure my lawnmower has stuff to eat.
List 2 clowns
1 Vlamingi tang
1 Damsel
1 Lawnmower.
Thinking of adding 8 Chromis and maybe 1 dragonet.
Another question. I was told I should have about 100 snails and 100 cleaner crabs in my tank (125G) to keep it clean. right now i have about 30 of each. The tank has no visible algea and I'd like to make sure my lawnmower has stuff to eat.
List 2 clowns
1 Vlamingi tang
1 Damsel
1 Lawnmower.
Thinking of adding 8 Chromis and maybe 1 dragonet.