Volitan Lion Feeding question

Alright, he only seems to want to eat live things, I put in a few feeder fish, he snapped them up right away. He has not been interested in any of the frozen food, squid, brine shrimp, bloodworms, but he is interested in the damsels, today I was looking at him and his mouth was wide open and he would not close it, I could not figure it out, finally i look in his mouth and I see a huge green chromis, luckily for the chromis he escaped. Justin


sorry i cant help, but mine is doing that 2, drop a gold fish in and wham it's gone. drop anything else in and it stays on the ground untouched. my bud told me to throw in a feeder fish when it eats it , the next feeder hold it on top and see if it eats it,if it does them try holding shripm or anything else and see if it goes 4 it. he said thats a way to train them to eat stuff given to them, it worked 4 him so it should work....im ganna give this a try till it works...


I'm trying to do the same with my lion. Mine has not eaten in Three weeks!!!I've used the plastic stick, tied a silver side to a string to make it look live. I've used every saltwater food with no luck. Whole shrimp, peeled shrimp, squid, silver sides, krill, flake food, freeze dried. I keep being told that a lion will not starve it's self, but I'm starting to wonder.


I have had two volitans and my newest seems to be a little bit trickier. The first day i did feed him feeders...then I waited 4 days and started to offer silver sides on a feeding stick...it didnt work. So I through some krill in front of a power head and he shot up after them. I waited then two day and tried silver side again and no bite..i even placed them in front of the power head. So I waited for another two days and he still wouldnt it so I just threw those in the tank and they did fall to the gorund. After 5 minutes he went to them and eat them...so patience is the key...keep trying he will eat


At my work I had to wean a lionfish. what i did was to start feeding him ghost chrimp that had soaked up a little food coloring (orange to look like freeze dried krill) he snapped them up just fine. then i killed the shrimp (by freezing) and put that on the end of a feeding stick. when he ate that i switched to freeze dried krill soaked in Kent zoe. he ate that no problem. good luck


I recently just got a baby lion, about 2" if that. He is so cute, but can barley fit anything in his mouth. He started eating the second day!! Because the power heads in the tank the food will float around the tank, and look like its alive, and he stalks what ever I put in, and then gulps it up. I have even fed him off a feeder stick, but I used raw shrimp, cut into tiny pieces, I draged it around like it was alive. I feel so luck I didn't have any trouble getting him to eat.


I have also attempted withholding live foods, my lionfish and puffer both went 10 days with no food and werent looking so hot so i caved in. I tried the food on a stick trick to no avail. As it stands now I have given up and keep a small tank full of goldfish for food. I'd like to get away from this but I havent been successful in trying to serve up frozen foods... oh well !!!