Volitan Lionfish


New Member
Can someone give a little advice on Lionfish? Currently, I have a 55 gallon with 2 clownfish, 1 dogfaced puffer, 1 snowflake eel. I wanted a dwarf lionfish but not sure whether this would work with the mix I have now. Plus, I want to purchase a few "other" fish that aren't necessarily soooo aggressive.


Active Member
lionfish are known to eat anything they can get into their mouths and it might be able to eat the clowns. there have also been cases of puffers nipping at the lions fins although I haven't had this problem with mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt210
the volitan lionfish is a large species as well
Yeah, and its one of the fastest growing fish I know of. I wouldn't keep any lion with a dogface, especially in a smaller tank. That puffer will outgrow your tank as well. Assuming you have small clowns (perc, etc) I believe any lion will eventually scarf them. Dwarf lions do well with big clowns, like a big female fire or maroon.