Originally Posted by psusocr1
maybe your tigger beat him up, they are known to do that
i don't know bout that, but i was a witness to some harrassment from my sailfin if you can believe that. kinda weird, i know,but my sailfin is kinda mean to my yellow tang too. also noticed part of my triggers tail missing one day, too. can only assume that was from the sailfin, but it grew back. didn't think the lionfish would die from this kind of treatment though. what a wussy.
lol. jk. i'm truly heartbroken over this. my wife says without this guy, she doesn't even want the system anymore, but that's absurd. my tank ain't going anywhere.
just talked to the lfs. guess he's still moving around the same. not eating and still looks the same. not thinking it's going to turn out with a happy ending.