Volitan on deathbed...


Well, I had to leave work early yesterday because my wife called and said my 11" Volitan was swimming in circles and upside down and otherwise just didn't look too good. Fortunately, I have some buddies at the lfs who are very helpful and they offered to take him for the night to see if he might just not be happy in my system. Although I do have a sailfin, yellow, and niger that are all acting perfectly normal and my parameters are all fine (ph-8.0/trates-0.0/trites-0.0/amm-0.0/temp-81/sg-1.023). He is currently at the lfs that I bought him from a year ago. He was only about 7-8" when I got him and the storeowner never knew how old he really was. As of right now, I'm thinking it just must have been old age. The only other thing it could be is maybe stress from adding a 30g sump/fuge about 2 weeks ago. I don't know, but if anyone has any ideas, that would help greatly. :notsure:
Sorry such a long post.
BTW. The lion looked completely normal. No spots or cloudy eyes. His snout, however, did have a pinkish tone to it. :help:


Originally Posted by psusocr1
maybe your tigger beat him up, they are known to do that
i don't know bout that, but i was a witness to some harrassment from my sailfin if you can believe that. kinda weird, i know,but my sailfin is kinda mean to my yellow tang too. also noticed part of my triggers tail missing one day, too. can only assume that was from the sailfin, but it grew back. didn't think the lionfish would die from this kind of treatment though. what a wussy.
lol. jk. i'm truly heartbroken over this. my wife says without this guy, she doesn't even want the system anymore, but that's absurd. my tank ain't going anywhere.
just talked to the lfs. guess he's still moving around the same. not eating and still looks the same. not thinking it's going to turn out with a happy ending.


My lion has been acting like this for about 2 weeks. I put in a new heater and the temp went up a little fast, ever since then he hasn't been the same....He turned a bright redish for about 3 days and i wasn't sure if he would make it....Then one night i saw him doing the upside down circle dance.....Now he just kind of sits at the bottom and won't eat.....I got him to eat a little 2 days ago though.....Hopefully they will both make it out.....


Originally Posted by Nictavius
My lion has been acting like this for about 2 weeks. I put in a new heater and the temp went up a little fast, ever since then he hasn't been the same....He turned a bright redish for about 3 days and i wasn't sure if he would make it....Then one night i saw him doing the upside down circle dance.....Now he just kind of sits at the bottom and won't eat.....I got him to eat a little 2 days ago though.....Hopefully they will both make it out.....

unfortunately, my guy didn't make it. i'm sorry to hear your guy is going through the same thing. hopefully he makes, but from the way my situation turned out, id say it doesn't look too good. especially if he still isn't eating.
good luck