Vote for your favorite fish !

Just out of curiosity i want to see what fish are amongst the most favorite to keep out there amongst all of you ! Vote now !


My favorite fish is not on your list and it's the Foxface. After the Foxface comes the Emperor Angel and my 2 Lionfish (Fuzzy Dwarf and Spotfin).


Maroon Clownfish. Have had him/her for about a year and a half and he probably she is awsome. Definatly super aggresive at all of two inches. Hosts a toadstool leather and spits sand to intimidate you.


It's a tie for me.
Picasso Trigger and Harlequin Tusk!
The Picasso got me into saltwater from freshwater (never actually owned one!) and the HT was the coolest fish I ever had in my tank...until a Power head sucked him up :(


Falco "Sir Quizzy" Hawk, without a doubt!! My dog's don't have as much personality as this guy does! Not all hawks are the same. This guy rules the whole house, not just his tank


Active Member
I would have to say copperband butterfly as my favorite. But from the list definately the achilles.


The Flame Hawk fish is my favorite. He just has to check everything out. It gets him in trouble when he tries to perch in the bi-color angels cave. But he is constantly on the move watching whats going on inside and outside the tank.
From the list I second the vote for Achilles Tang


Active Member
Red Spotted Hawkfish (only Hawk found in Carribean)
Falco Hawk
Occ Clown
V Lion
Most Blennies
Purple Tang...
The list goes on.


Active Member
diamond gobie watching him work ( he is much more active than any other ones I have had or seen he is insane on building and moving rocks as large as him plus he is bad to the bone no one messes with him not even 3 times bigger damsels.
then my foxface then my puffer then the manderin that died today...


i like my yellow tang cant belive that was not on the list !
and my clown gobies are pretty sweet too