vpurple tang vitamins?


New Member
Hello, I recieved basic care sheets on all of the fish in my 225g. This includes stars n stripes, porcupine, 4-stripe damsel, blonde naso, huma trigger, and 2 and 3 month new panther, red snapper, powder blue, sailfin, yellow, and purple tang. My concern is that the purple tang care sheet is the only on out of every single fish that says it must be fed vitamin suppliments and proper herbivorous diet to retain vivid color and prevent HHLE. We have the herb part down but can you tell us about vitamin supps? Thank you.


Active Member
Excellent vitamin supplements include Zoe, Selcon/Zoecon, Garlic Extreme, and VitaChem. I use all 4 of these every week in my fish's food.
Make sure your fish are getting a huge variety. Keep in mind, fish do not eat one or two things in the ocean. On a weekly basis, they might have 10-20 different things in their diet. This is why formula foods are very beneficial to your fish. If you use frozen formula foods like formula A/1 and B/2, your fish can get clam, scallop, krill, shrimp, zoo plankton, phytoplankton, squidd, prawn, mussel, fish, fish roe, among other things. Then, if you throw in algae formula, they will then get kelp, algae, lettuce, spirulina, and other greens.
If you are not going to use formula foods, you will need to pick up many different types of food so that your fish are getting a very large variety.
Just as a side note, I really do hope that you don't plan to put any more fish into that tank. It is quite full of large fish. Just the panther grouper and snapper will equal 50 inches of fish when they are fully grown. :scared: Then, you have 2 puffers in there as well. Yikes.


Staff member
"Must" would not be a word that I would use, however, supplements is a good idea, at least a few times a week. The advise Lion gives is good. For tangs, zoecon and selcon are good choices.


New Member
Thank you guys for all of your advice, although most of our fish are still babies, I'm sure we'll have means of aquiring everybodys happy and suggusted sizes of habitats. Thank you for the vit stats!