cherish life.
im in my 4th period exam class right when i get out me and my mom are going to this place in florida called the rocking reef!
i know for sure im getting a mandarin for my biocube allthough i dont know what else
i know i have tons of 200+ just on the glass of my tank every single morning!!!!
i think i might get a pistol shrimp too for my randalli goby to get some more symbiosis going on in my tank...will try to get some pictures over the weekend.
talk to you later,
i know for sure im getting a mandarin for my biocube allthough i dont know what else
i know i have tons of 200+ just on the glass of my tank every single morning!!!!
i think i might get a pistol shrimp too for my randalli goby to get some more symbiosis going on in my tank...will try to get some pictures over the weekend.