waht next to add


New Member
I ahve a 75 gallon, had it up 3 months now, and am trying to think what I should add next. Here's what I have
Moray eel
Dwarf fuzzy lion
Valentini Puffer
Blue Damsel
Cleaner wrasse ( don't care much about, but it's fast)
Clownfish (5 year old wanted)
3 turbo snails- golf ball sized
big sally lightffot crab
I've been looking at diff. tangs, but tank size limits me, and I'd like to have a butterfly, my hubby wants a trigger, I told too agressive. What do you think?


Active Member
butterfly may be difficult to keep with some of those fish, not to mention they require pretty decent water quality.
I wouldn't add a trigger to that mix, he may cause some issues with a few of those guys. Not to mention triggers would want more space than 75g to swim.
Hmmm...i'm drawing a blank on what to add. That's what i get for staying out till 4am and having to work on saturday (silly SEC filing, do we really HAVE to be on the NYSE)....
Let's see what some other people suggest...


a butterfly is a possibility actually. Declivis and tinkerii are the hardiest and best looking IMO but they are about 200$. The threadfinned A.K.A auriga butterfly ive heard is pretty good if yur tank is big enough. I would recommend a heniouchus or longnose butterfly. U just have to make sure yur filtration is great and yur water levels are pristine. Dont get a copperband. They are really hard to feed.


Active Member
Water quality is what i meant when i said butterfly may be hard to keep w/ those fish, due to bioload. If you can maintain decent system levels and quality then great, it wasnt a matter of getting along.


o ok. When u said that they might be difficult to keep with some of those fish i thought u mean tthat they would fight or somehting.


My valentini used to be very fond of fuzzy dwarf lion because its ornate fins proved to be quite delicious and irresistable. I'd say "No" to cleaner wrasse.


New Member
When you say the bioload is what you worry about, are you saying some of the others create a lot more waste? What should my nitrate level be anyway? I know zero would be great, but as long as there isn't any ammonia or nitrite and ntirate stays low all is good right?
And as far as the cleaner wrasse goes, it was $10, don't care if he lives or dies. Don't take that wrong! He was one of my first intros, everyone says I'm lucky to still have it.


Active Member

Originally posted by katiebc
When you say the bioload is what you worry about, are you saying some of the others create a lot more waste?

Yes, if youre feeding the eel/lion/puffer well, and feeding them nutritional items incl fresh seafood, then they should be creating a good amount of waste compared to a typical flake feeder. So usually aggressive fish would require more water per fish to keep the bioload down.
So i was just expressing concern that an aggressive tank's water quality may be a little worse or harder to maintain due to an already high bioload. And since the butterfly requires decent water, may be hard to keep him healthy all things considered.