Wal-Mart Tanks?


New Member
Just got back from Wally-World and they have 55 Gal. tanks with stand for $199.00.
Personally I'm thinking the All-Glass brand tanks are the way to go. Possibly a bow-front. But hey... for $199, is the Wally-World tank a good buy?
The 29 Gal. tank is only $69.00. I'd love to wait for a 70-90 Gal tank to hit the classifieds but I am anxious to start a SW.
Nothing comes with the $199 except a tank and stand. So I'd be starting from scratch.
Anyone using a Wal-Mart tank/stand setup and/or do you think it's better to wait for a better tank?


salwater tanks require alotta patience, so if u cant wait for a great tank or dont have enough money to get it all new than u might be gettin urself into some trouble down the road..


The way I see it. The tanks that you get at the large retailers, tend to have sloppy seems in them. The stand that you get is made of inferior wood, what was it pressed pulp wood? I hope not. Or was it cast iron?
Wait do your research and get a better tank and stand, you know tax season is right around the corner! cha ching!.


I had a friend that bought a tank from walwart. After about a week it started to leak on the bottom back edge. He had to take it back, and lost out on ro water and salt, just my 2 cents


I use the Wallyworld 55.But, it is made by a reputible company and I have NO problems with leaking or any other. It does have a pressed wood stand which I`m not thrilled about but when you take proper care of it....it should be fine. Any water that drips on the stand-remove right away. Proper care and attention will give long lasting strength. Also look at it this way,,,,you DO get what you pay for. If you want peace of mind,,spend hundreds more.
I would buy another if needed.
Also,,mine came with lighting. FW of course.
I`m adding Power compact lighting in 2 weeks...possibly MH pendants in the future.


Active Member
I had a wall mart 55g tank for 2 yrs never had a problem with it at all. Took it down and moved it over to a friends house set it up and guess what, still no problems. I think it's one of those things where it's luck of the draw.


Active Member
199$ for a tank is not a good deal though. I would omit the whole thing. UNLESS, you don't mind taking a chance.


I think it should be fine to hold water. If your happy with the look of the stand its a go. I found alot of the cheaper stand don't really have a lot of eye pleasing factor. I waited to find the perfect tank. Thats why I bought a used tank 150gal (thourouly looked over) with a stand made out of 1/4inch angle iron and sold oak constructed over. It is also alot taller than most store bought brands. The stand weighs more than the tank itself. It might be a good idea to think about if you want the tank to have a sump or refrium. If thats the case think about how much access you have with the doors, and height for equipment.


use acrylic and build your own tank....................ya can build a 120+ for about $100 or less...bigger is way better!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
That's a classic mersonly1! :D
Yeah I can see the neigbor below me already as the tank cracks the first day I'm gone! LOL I wonder what 120 Gals would look like seeping through her living room ceiling? Probably not a pretty sight.
Fish hopping on the carpet amongst the LR... Hermies scrambling for the high ground on the entertainment center... I'd have banded shrimp attacking me in my nightmares for months!
Nope. Not today.Think I'll stick with the store-bought tanks for now.
Maybe one day... But today, isn't the day...
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


New Member
For what it's worth, I've got an 8 year old 10g from WalMart that's currently set up as a nano. Never had a leak. I'm not a big fan of the stands either. My brother in law gave me his WalMart 29g and stand that's about 2 years old. The tank is in good shape, buy I'm probably going to replace the stand with an iron stand that will hold another tank below.


I use a Walmart 10 Gal to mix salt water for my changes. It gets setup and taken down at least every three or four weeks, no problems.


I'm getting a new 300 gal tank when I move. I'm selling my 150 and stand,lighting,100 lbs lr,60 lb ls, tricle filter,skimmer,pumps for $750


Got my 75 gal at 75$ it leaked, but you know who can say when you have glass and silcone$ buy it then check it with your local water..let it stand, if no leak awsome then drain it and put your salt water stuff in. Pressboard stands, well won't hold water(no pun intended). Use real wood or iron. Good luck