I have been testing every day (I'm NOT rushing this just curious)the shrimp has completely dissolved except for a few pieces floating around. however my ammonia has only reached .25>.50 and the last three days it has come up with 0 (I'm using API test kits.) I have cycled tanks before but usually with in a week i have high ammonia.
Ok so i just tested and here are my levels
ammonia 0ppm
nitrite 0ppm
nitrate 5.0<10 ppm
I'm going to wait a few days and do a water change.. do u guys think i should put some fish food into the tank to provide a source of ammonia?...thoughts? I'm not planning on adding anything till next weekend as long as i don't see a spike. maybe a few snails? MY stock list is as follows which will be added slowly
1.20 or so snails Ceriths and turbos..maybe a few bumble bees
2. shrimp(not sure which one still researching. suggestions welcome)
3. 2 percs
4.1 or two more fish down the road i would like a gobie or a blenn5ie
5. zoos,mushrooms,sps