Wandering Sabae


New Member
My Sabae wanders around all the time! Usually it is just sitting in the sand bed, but sometimes flips itself overand just hangs out like that... is this normal? For a while when I first got it a month ago it tucked itself into a nice spot in my rockwork, but after a week there it became a wandering nomad!


Active Member
What kind of current (circulation) do you have in the tank?
What kind of lighting? Water parameters?
It is normal for anemones in general to wander, but there may be something contributing to the frequency of the move.


New Member
All parameters are good. I am circulating with a maxi-jet 900 from one side and a 600 in the middle. My rockwork is on the left and 900 on the right side of the tank, and 600 in the middle pointing to the left front corner. Circulation seems very good. It dose not seem like too much. The Sabae has actually stayed in a small area, it sometimes goes to the base of a small rock. Then it will move a few inches away every now and then in the same general area now, but just never seems to stay in he same spot.


Active Member
Well, that may just be normal movement. Some anemone's move more than others, but it doesn't sound out of the ordinary.


Active Member
What kind of lighting?? How often do you feed it?? An anemone will wander because it is looking for a place that iscomfortable.
also - how big a tank?


Just make sure that it doesn't wander up the sides of your glass and get caught in a pump and spew out all it guts poisoning your tank like mine did!!!!!


Active Member
i have a curlique, and it moves all over the left side of my tank,even to the point where he gets under stuff and i just turn the rock over cuz i'm afraid he wont eat.