Wanna be Famous?? MN Area



A writer is working on a piece for an upcoming issue of minnesota monthly magazine...basically she's looking for an aquarist and their tank(s) to represent the marine aquarium hobby in a piece about unusual pets. i will copy and paste a piece of an email she sent me below.
They are looking for someone with big fish (i think she is more interested in photogenic piscine than corals) and a nice system to showoff.
Below is what she is looking for....
"...I'm looking for someone willing to be interviewed and photographed for an upcoming feature article. The story is Minnesotans and their unusual pets, and will be in the upcoming Pet issue of Minnesota Monthly magazine.
I'd love to have one of those people be a (Minnesotan) marine aquarium
enthusiast. I know you guys have some fantastic setups and really cool
fish, and I want to talk to you about it! This will be a photo-driven piece,
so the magazine's photographers will want large/colorful fish (something
marine that is unique to non-hobbyist Minnesotans--angels, puffers, maybe an eel), and my job is to get your story, as the aquarium/fish owner. It will be short--a half hour interview should be enough. Photos would happen later."
She needs to do an interview this Sunday or Monday.

If you are interested, contact me ASAP at
irenicus_swfish (AT) hotmail.com