Wanna hear about my nuatical room?


Active Member
Work is still in progress, but we just got a house with an unfinished family room that has old gray barn wood on some of the walls. We are in process of sectioning off the heater room with dry wall, and my fiancee cut out a hole for a 75 gal tank so that it will be reccessed in the wall! We will beable to work on tank from heater room. Instead of decorating in old country, we decided the barn wood would be old ship planking instead, and using sea captains, netting and such to create a nautical effect. Of course the tank will fit nicesly in the themeing, and be the focal point of the room. What do you all think? Any ideas will be great, going to be another month or so until its finished, can't wait!


Sounds cool!! Just watch that your furnace room does not get warm/ cold with the furnace and air. That would not be good for the tank!! Post pics when you get done!!


Our basement has a Titanic theme. I thought would get boring, but it has true artifacts and gravestone etchings from actual graves from Nova Scotia that my wife and I made ourselves. We still love it. Now with the 150 gallon there, it's one of our favorite rooms in the house. Have fun!!


Active Member
cubfa, sounds cool, love titanic stuff!
Takia, no worries about the furnace, its 20 feet away! And well insulated around it, my heater room is actually 5 ft by 20, they made it this large to make a straight wall instead of boxing out metal poles, water heater, and electrical box.
I will post pics as soon as its done!