wanna start a 20gallon softie/clam tank


im getting bored with my tank 29gallon sps tank because i cant add anything else to it =-[ so i have decided to make use of a 20gallon in my garage and convert it to a softie dominated tank with some clams =-). here is what i was thinking for specs and equiptment. PLEASE TELL ME YOUR SUGGESTIONS AND CONCERNS
40lbs of fiji pink live sand
as much liverock as i need so i can say it looks good
1) oceanic aquamedic 150watt mh with a 14k bulb
a hob filter modded as a fuge and with an bag filled with activated carbon.
2 tunze nano stream 6025's ( this is my main concern as to will this be too much flow? i am used to sps and the crazy flow but not so sure with softies even though i keep a huge toad stool in the sps tank along with a good sized capenella nd xenia.)
1 aqua c remora hob protien skimmer( dont even know if ill run one on a softie tank becasue i dont wanna take out the nutrients from it unlike an sps tank)
so what do u guys think so far? and also i do wanna keep clams with the softies so it looks more natural.
fish list would be
1 watchman goby with pistol shrimp
pair of clowns to host the colt coral or maybe even toadstool
inver list
5) astria snails
15 blue leg hermits
2 cleaner shrimp
colt coral
toad stool
ora toad stool
fiji yellow leather
devils hand
maxmia tear drop
any suggestions or comments?