Wanna Trade?

salty rick

Is there anyone in the Greensboro, NC area that would want to trade corals? I am being overrun with neon green mushooms and sand polyps. I would like to trade with other people who have the same situation with for other corals that I don't have.
Salty Rick

nm reef

Active Member
Man I'd love to......I have 2 different furry/fussy 'shrooms .....some xenia....and 2 different types of polyps I'd love to trade..........but here in New Mexico....i may have the only frags available and no body to trade with.........*_^


Active Member
salty, email me at wampler@adelphia.net.. I would be interasted and I am only 30 minutes from greensboro..


Active Member
I have a large rock that is red and purple and sorta moves around in the tank from time to time!
It looks just like a xmas bulb!
oops, it is a xmas bulb. Nevermind.