Want a new Dwarf Angel...


well since the stupid Hurricane killed my pygmy angel, I want to replace it with another angel. I wanted to go with something different like the watanabei, venustus, multicolor or potters. Sadly I haven't really heard anything good(besides that they are BEAUTIFUL) about any of these guys except for the multicolor. Any feed back on them? its a 55G tank...8 pounds of LR...recovering from Katrina. I figured if I special order one it will take a few weeks to get here and then let it get settled at the LFS to make sure it eats. so the tnak will have plently of time to recover(jsut need to get the nitrates down). If anyone has any of these...feedback and pics would be great! thanks!


The flame back are cute...looks a lot like the pygmy....I mightam going to have my LFS order the multicolor and see how it is b4 I buy it...but if not...will prolly just lean towards the flame angel just for the bright bold color....


Active Member
I have a flame angel, and can tell you that you DEFINITELY need more LR. I would say about 80lbs of LR total, and a mature tank.


Active Member
Mine is a coral beauty...she's really colorful, and we just love her...she also needs a lot more rock for grazing...mine is grazing all the time between feedings!!!
So sorry for what you're going through!!!


I have read that potter angels are hard to keep. I would go with a flame!


lol...I am sorry...I ment to say 80! I have to take a new pic, but since the huricane, I restacked it all and made it go higher and added about another 20 pounds....but here is an older pic...


Active Member
If you have 80lbs of LR I would say that you're probably good. As long as there is sufficient growth for the dwarf angel to graze.
Here's a picture of my Flame Angel just after lights out. Sorry about the poor quality.


Sorry to hijack this, but what do you feed your Flame? My won't take anything, it just grazes all the time. The problem with that is the clean up crew has gotten most of the growth down to nothing. I've tried Nori sheets, Romaine, Formula 2 cubes, Mysis. I think it thinks the lettuce clip is another fish. Ever since I put it in the tank it swims loops around it all the time!


Active Member
I had the same problem when I first got my Flame. Now, he readily eats every time, and I feed every other day.
He gets a mixture of brine, prime reef flake, cyclopeeze, and cut up nori. All my fish love the mixture. On occasion I will feed Formula 2 and mysis shrimp as well.
If you're having problems then try soaking the food you feed in garlic, straining the food, then feeding.
How long have you had the Flame? It's not surprising that it wont eat if it's been less than a week or two.


Originally Posted by KDFrosty
I had the same problem when I first got my Flame. Now, he readily eats every time, and I feed every other day.
He gets a mixture of brine, prime reef flake, cyclopeeze, and cut up nori. All my fish love the mixture. On occasion I will feed Formula 2 and mysis shrimp as well.
If you're having problems then try soaking the food you feed in garlic, straining the food, then feeding.
How long have you had the Flame? It's not surprising that it wont eat if it's been less than a week or two.
I've had him a little over a week. I'll try mixing your mixture and we'll see what happens.


New Member
SW-Newbe- i have a picky flame as well, i found some garlic flavored food that my flame & lemonpeel really like (the lemonpeel used to not be the best eater either). it comes in a small green tub i think it's formula two marine pellets or something like that. it's really stanky but they like it & it seems to be the favorite among all the fishies in my tank. :jumping:


No way man, go for something different besides the usual flame angel like the Singapore Angel. It readily excepts any food or seaweed and is real easy to care for. If you do get a flame, I think your supposed to have an already established heirarchy because anything new put in, the flame will mess with. Heres a pic of my singapore.