want a new fish help!


I have a 46 gal right now with an ornate goby, yellow tang, clown and 2 green chromis what would be a good addition? I'm going to the LFS that sold me the hairy red legged hermit that eats anything in it's way and getting a fish! Thanks for ur advice!


get apistol shrimp and shrimp goby they have a cool symbiotic relationship just be sure to put them together in a real small tank about ten gals or so with a sand bed and one rock just to get them together
good luck


I just got a scarlet reef crab, 2 nacirus snails, and a purle pacific wrasse! But he has a yellow tail and the LFS can not find a pi of him anywhere!! And he buries himself into the sand when he's sared. I returned my monsterous red hairy crab yuck he was cool but way to serious LOL. so they gave me the scarlet in trade! I'll get a pic soon!