Want a puffer - afraid to get one


New Member
We're relative novices when it comes to saltwater tanks but we bought a house that had a 125g tank in it that was already established so we went ahead and kept it going. We've had it running for a couple years now with a couple adds and a couple subtractions.
We'd like to add a puffer, but want to make sure that its not going to cause too much havoc in our tank. Don't want it to kill other fish/snails and leave us with nothing but a small puffer. Am I being overly paranoid?
The tank has a blue tang, flame hawkfish, a couple anthias, and a few turbo snails for algae. We've recently lost a yellow tang and clownfish, so the fish count is a little low, but we are looking to replace those (along with the puffer).
Any suggestions/thoughts are appreciated.


Active Member
You could easily do a dwarf puffer, I like Valentini....A small Porky or Dogface would be fine for a year or so, but when they get big they would anything they can catch...Your Hawkfish and snail would likely be first on the menu.


Active Member
Yea, IMO, if you are set with the 125 as the puffer's permanent house, that limits you to any of the dwarf puffers or the Spiny Box Puffer/Spiny Burrfish (same fish).
And yes, even my dwarf Hawaiian Blue Spotted puffer trys to eat my snails (being the size of a balled piece of paper prevents them from being eaten). However IMO snails and crabs are meant in nature as near bottom of the food chain, so I wouldn't let them hold me up on fish decisions.
Side note, I would also be concerned why you lost the tang and clownfish?


Active Member
Do you have corals in your tank ? If you do you can cross of a puffer on the wish list , They will nip at your corals .


Active Member
I noticed this is your first post; glad to have you here! You're keeping anthias and, IMO. that is a good sign that you're doing lots of things right. First thing, I would read a good book on this hobby; then do additional research on the fish yoy like. As kjr_trig said--a small puffer would work; but almost any source will tell you large puffers are not "invert safe". The Valentini; although quiter small, is a very personable and (usually) "up-front" fish. Very easy to keep as well.


and zoas and even little fish and 6 emerald crabs ,we have him for almost a year,i think the key is we feed him evey day shrimp....i tried mussels clams he dont eat it...i think he got lazy from me feeding him shrimp now he thinks why bother.i think the key is to make sure you feed him every day..


Active Member
I noticed this is your 1st post; glad to have with us. If you're keeping anthias healthy, you must be doing a lot of things right. I'd suggest that you read a good book on the hobby, then research the fish you like. There are many fish you can add, but almost any source will tell you that larger puffers are not safe with inverts (which includes snails.) Like kjr_trig said, a mini-puffer should do well, but might get lost with all the bigger tankmates.