Want coraline algae


I have had my tank up and running for 6 months. I started with 70lbs of live sand 40lbs of non live sand and 125lbs of nonlive rock. I want to get some coraline algae growing what is the best way to get some. I do not want to get live rock just so i do not introduce anything bad into the tank. Thanks For your help.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
I very well could be wrong but, I think you need coraline to start coraline.

correct. you need to buy a small piece of LR w/coraline on it and keep scraping it with a knife to get the seed in the water and keep your calcium at 400ppm


Keeping the quality of your water in check and at proper levels will also help the coraline spread after introduced to you tank.


Active Member
you can also use a tooth brush, and brush a rock that has coralline algae on it to get the seed into the water. Keeping calcium and alkalinity proper will help a lot too.


calcium is around 420 for the corals i have. I am good there could i buy some scrapings form a member of this forum maybe and have them ship them to me? Would the algae last the trip? Thanks


just visit your local lfs and buy a small piece of rubble from one of their tanks (maybe cost you like 2 dollars) place it in an inconspicuous place and do as the others say. you will have it have it in a few months. You can try and add some purple up once you have the corraline seeded in your water column and then you will all the C.A. you will ever need.


In my experience lighting also has alot to do with the rate coraline grows, something you may want to keep in mind