want schooling fish please help???


Hello everyone. My 110 gallon is complete with the cycle and I am slowly transfering my 2 cinnamen clowns and alot of my coral over. I have a yellow tang but I am going to add him last he is in my 55 gallon under hypo for ich. I want to get some fish that are reef safe and not aggresive for schooling fish? I was thinking a school of chromis? but I am not sure. please help me out with some schooling fish that would be cool.


Active Member
toooo soon to add anthias, a good schooling and a cheap one is green chromis there really pretty and there very hardy
edit: i guess i should read the whole post first


Active Member
check out the reef safe wrasses, they're schoolers, just make sure u get a male an at lesat 2 females, an bam, u got a school of em