Want the BEST HOB skimmer


Active Member
I am just starting to set up my tank (55g) and I am looking for the absolute best HOB protein skimmer. I currently have a Penguin 330 filter, and will be picking up a Maxi Jet mp1200. This will be a FO tank with LR and LS.......Funds are unlimited.....want THE BEST....
Do not want a sump, has to be a pure HOB type....
Thanks in advance.....and
to everyone on the boards, I have been reading for a month or so now, just decided to join today!


get the coralife skimmer. out skims the aqua c and is half the money.


Originally Posted by whyamisofl
I am just starting to set up my tank (55g) and I am looking for the absolute best HOB protein skimmer. I currently have a Penguin 330 filter, and will be picking up a Maxi Jet mp1200. This will be a FO tank with LR and LS.......Funds are unlimited.....want THE BEST....
Do not want a sump, has to be a pure HOB type....
Thanks in advance.....and
to everyone on the boards, I have been reading for a month or so now, just decided to join today!

Hey there WHY. Welcome. its an unlimited resource. Enjoy and always ask questions.
you will find that everyone has different views on different products so its best to listen to each and every angel on why they think its the best and consider what your wanting for your tank. be it FOWLR or a reef tank. we have a bakpak2 skimmer from CPR its a HOB and wasnt that expensive. 80 bucks if i recal... it does a great job. i am sure tho, if i had unlimited resources financially, i would have a different type.
i would definately have a larger tank and have a sump with the skimmer either in it or near it. but NOT on the back of the thank.
we have a 55 gal reef with a emperor 400 bio wheel filter and the bakpak2 skimmer 2 powerheads and about 65 lbs of LR and 40 lbs of LS its about an inch of LS.
what ever direction you go. we wish you the best of luck with your tank. we all love pics here so post some of your tank as you go and once you start adding the beautiful mini ocean


coralife superskimmer is probably right for you since you're on a budget plus I heard good things about it. you can't go wrong with it or the remora or remora pro(personal experience). but, if you had a lot of dough, get the deltec. good luck


Active Member
The deltec seems to be a good choice, but I have not seen too many reviews on this unit....I am looking for something that is getting rave reviews before I dump ~$500 into a skimmer


Active Member
Certainly no need to dump $500 on a skimmer for a 55 gal tank. Should easily be able to do it for $100 and have lots of change left. Coralife Super Skimmer gets my vote....Plain and simple it works great and does exactly what higher priced skimmers do......


Active Member
would it make sense to pick up a larger skimmer than I have the tank for now? Like pick up a 125g skimmer for the 55g......or would there be no benefit??
btw, thanks guys/girls for all your responses & help!!


Active Member
If you are willing to spend the money, spend it, but your best bet is the Corallife or Excalibur. When you have a 125, you will not be using a hang-on skimmer, so don't plan for that.


Active Member
but would it be benefical to get a bigger one for a smaller tank......like would it cycle more? I have no clue so I am throwing that option out there....
also, I have decided (with everyone's help) to go with the coralife super skimmer....BUT.....do I want the needle wheel or venturi?


The Venturi Model is for 220Gallon Tanks.
I recommend you on getting the normal 65gallon Needle Wheel Coralife Superskimmer or if you want get the 125Gallon just in case if you might upgrade your tank to a 90 or even 125gallon in the near future.
BTW if i'm not mistaken all the Coralife superskimmers can either be HOB(Hang On Back) or Submersible (placed in a sump).


I too use the 'Emperor 400 Bio Wheel I have 2 of them on a 75 gallon reef. I also use a Prizim skimmer, that I must admit just locked up last week. I replaced that with a SeaClone. Seems to be working pretty good so far. I really liked the way the Prizim worked until it quit. JMO..