Want to add a powder-blue in with a yellow tang



I have a 200gal reef with 180lbs LR. Right now I have a Yellow Tang and several damsels. The Yellow Tang rules the tank right now. How pissed will he be if I introduce a Powder Blue Tang, and how scrappy are they in comparison? The Yellow Tang has been in for 2 months.

mr . salty

Active Member
When I had all my tangs together,my yellow and powder blue didn't seem to mind each other at all.Plus your tank is much larger than my 130.I would think you would be OK.As for who is the "skrappiest",,,I would say the blue is more aggressive(imo) but alot more susseptible to disease than the yellow...


Active Member
Your tank seems large enough for the two to avoid each other when they need to. Yellow tangs are aggressive, powder blue are less aggressive. I would recommend you get a powder blue equal or larger than your yellow tang and you will be fine.


Active Member
Go for it and have fun. There may be some occassional jousting but nothing serious. They should look great together. Good luck!