Want to add Bub tip Anemone


I have an Aggressive tank?? 10" Panther Grouper, 3-4" Dogface Puffer, 3-4" foxface, 6" Green Bird Wrasse and a Miniatus Grouper in a 125 gal will any one mess with a lg tom Clown ( I think ) paired w/lg bubble tip anemone ?? I think not But dont know ??


Active Member
One of the groupers may eventually eat the clown. No a good idea . Besides, anemones need metal halide, T-5 or equivelant lighting. Most people do not keep proper lighting for corals or anemones over an aggressive tank.
To answer your question about the starfish in the other thread, how did you acclimate it and how long have you had it? Any parameter swings...temp, Ph, Sg. ? Any detectable NO3, PO4? Starfish need a 4+ hour drip acclimation,and each place that handles the star must do the same...including your LFS. Sometimes the damage does'nt show up for weeks.


I took tow 125 gal tanks up at work about a month ago the star was in the tank already one leg gone at the time. water seems to be fine. I would like to get back with you on other topics with two 125 tanks on what to stock but tonight I got to crash got to work all day. can look but cant touch I will be tending bar. I just want them to look great for the customers. They divide the bar and the dining room