Want to add more fish, but which?


New Member
Okay, I want to add one or two more fish to my tank, preferably the same time. I don't know
what will be good with what I already have in my tank so if someone wants to comment and let me know how they feel about it that would be awsome!
Here's what I got...
55g tank FOWLR.
1 Ocellaris Clownfish
3 Blue/Green Chromis
1 Dwarf angel Coral Beauty
Brittle Star (at least 5" each leg)
Coral Banded Shrimp
A few snails and dwarf hermit crabs.
Here's what I WANT to get, be honest and let me know how you feel! I only want to add 1 or 2 more fish to my tank.
Lawnmower Blenny
Any puffer fish
Half Black Angel fish
Another Clown fish, any kind.
Citrinis Clown Goby
Any Tang
If anyone has any other fish that would be compat., please let me know!!!
I also at one point in time would like to add an urchin!
Thanks guys!