Want to add my 1st Coral


Active Member
So im looking to add my 1st coral to my 55g reef tank. I was wondering if you guys could give me some ideas as to which ones would be a good choice to start with. Caring for them, feeding, what ill need to go with them (calcium stuff, testers, suppliments?)
I do have 3 peppermint shrimp and I plan on getting a coral beauty soon. So I guess that means stay away from polyps. I really like the Green Close Brain coral, frogspawn, leathers, and bubble coral. But I am only adding one. But Those are just some ideas.
Thoughts Anyone?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fanker
what filtration and lighting do u have?
I have two 18", 20watt 10,000k Coralife Bulbs. Mind you the depth to the sandbed from the top of the tank is only 15", 18" total. Im looking for the poormans way out of this, I dont have the cash for T5's or MH's. Id need a whole new top/lid for the tank also.
Filtration is an Aquamaster 400 Filter, a 10g Referigum, Two Rio 600 powerheads.


New Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
So im looking to add my 1st coral to my 55g reef tank. I was wondering if you guys could give me some ideas as to which ones would be a good choice to start with. Caring for them, feeding, what ill need to go with them (calcium stuff, testers, suppliments?)
I do have 3 peppermint shrimp and I plan on getting a coral beauty soon. So I guess that means stay away from polyps. I really like the Green Close Brain coral, frogspawn, leathers, and bubble coral. But I am only adding one. But Those are just some ideas.
Thoughts Anyone?

My CB does not mess with my polyps..I heard the like SPS..anyways i did get some xiena frags and he nipped at those..Now do you like the CB that much that you want to limmit or do you want a reef tank (depending on light) full of what you want?
I would get some GSp or some zoo or mushromms. They do well in dirty water (to an extent). And they frow fast so it wil make you fill like you are doing things right.


Active Member
OK heres some advice/opinions.
I believe you could start with almost any type of mushroom red,watermelon,green,blue, all very hardy not high light demanding and can add good color quick. if you want some thing branchy or wavy go with glove polyp looks kind of like xenia but doesnt pulse and isnt a high needs coral, they do spread fast and can become a nuciance. and if your lucky you can find glove polyp that has flouresing stripes. Yellow colonial polyp would be ok also. keep it mid to midhigh. also a fast spreader and you can spot feed them to make them multiply faster.
the first corals I ever had were watrermelon mushrooms green mushrooms and glove polyp. they all came on a rock that was a gift from a friend and I put them in excactly 30 days after starting cycling. all did well for me. i hope this helps, and hasve fun with your new reef.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
I have two 18", 20watt 10,000k Coralife Bulbs. Mind you the depth to the sandbed from the top of the tank is only 15", 18" total. Im looking for the poormans way out of this, I dont have the cash for T5's or MH's. Id need a whole new top/lid for the tank also.
Filtration is an Aquamaster 400 Filter, a 10g Referigum, Two Rio 600 powerheads.

IMO, 40watts on a 55gallon tank isn't enough for any coral and is a very bad idea. Wait till you can afford proper lighting then buy your coral.


Originally Posted by Jmick
IMO, 40watts on a 55gallon tank isn't enough for any coral and is a very bad idea. Wait till you can afford proper lighting then buy your coral.

I agree 40 watts is low in a 55 i'd save the money and invest in lights first imo


Active Member
I just realized that you only have twenty watts of light per half of your tank. even musrooms will have a hard time growing under that little lighting unless they are at the very top of the tank. Umm. you definatly need more light. I didn't read your first statement very well at all sorry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I just realized that you only have twenty watts of light per half of your tank. even musrooms will have a hard time growing under that little lighting unless they are at the very top of the tank. Umm. you definatly need more light. I didn't read your first statement very well at all sorry.
Ok so what would be the lowest and cheapest type of 18" bulbs I could get?


Active Member
. on a 55 you will want as much coverage as you can get.
get a versa top and add another strip light 4ft would be best that would at least double your light and allow you low light corals. But I reccomend saving pennies and buying good lights. vhio's Pcs or halides. thats the best suggestions I have.