Want to add new fish. Get the tank going again.

My tank is a year old and just before Christmas all my fish died...except one.
A yellow watchman goby.
I decided to wait to get more fish and hate looking at a tank filled with rock and few coral.
It has been a month and I want to know...
Should I wait longer?
Can I start stocking slowly?
My first new fish I think will be a royal gramma but worry that its aggression will get the better of my tank.
I don't want to get too excpensive but I would like to try my luck at pygmy angelfish.
So far they have proved me unsuccess full.
I have had:
Coral Beauty
What to do what to get.
I want to stay with the small less $$ fish.


IMO...don't get any damsel fish. They are way too aggressive. Mine are killing each other off.....one by one. A couple of the least aggressive fish have gone into hiding since they get beat up on so much....sad. :(
I had damsels and nothing went wrong.
If you mix many of the same species I would think so but my tank was doing fine with
two percula clowns yellow tail blue damsel and green cromis.
Those are all damsels. The Royal gramma and cherub are not damsels.


Damsels are evil creatures, mobsters of the fish world. They killed a six-line wrasse of mine and a cleaner shrimp. Needless to say they are back at the fish store, hopefully trying to dodge a giant moray eel or panther grouper!
Don't know.
Had a post in disease forum.
They didn't know themselves but gave me ideas to treat it if it ever comes back.
It was like a cross between everything.
Cloudy eyes, eratic swimming behavior, loss of appetite, ich, milky white mucus, some cauliflower like spots.
The clowns lived with it a week everything else died in a few days.
I don't see the prob. with damsels I have had the best luck with them.
Anyway can we get off the subject of them.
I asked for suggestions not a barrage of pple yelling at me because I find damsels a good choice. It is a matter of opinion.


Active Member
damsels are cool, but they are aggressive, in the wild, probably because each one has it's own 6 ft of swim area, so they are more likely aggressive because they are cramped, in a tank, i don't want em, but they are cool and very hearty
any how, not harping, but what size tank, lr???
are we looking at?
i like chromis and firefish, they are both cool and fairly easy to keep(sorry ff are more$$)
until you see you can keep fish again, i would get some mollies that have been acclimated to sw, cheap and hearty(they'll even breed in sw), then see how it goes, all your fish died before chrstmas?, maybe you want to wait a few more days yet, give it at least a month, but as i said mollies(my lfs sells tehm for @2-3$ for sw cycling)


Active Member
yep, lots a people have, and yes they are the fw species i am referring to, i'm sure someone else here can testify to it, they actually do acclimate very well


how about a six-line wrasse or a fairy wrasse. I was just at the lfs and they had a fairy wrasse(not sure what type), but he was only $18. He was full of color.


Maybe we have a NorthEast plague??
I had almost the same thing happen to me in early November. Had something that looked like ich but the fish didn't behave like typical ich victims. I lost them all, including a year old hippo tang....broke my heart.
I waited two months before adding any fish. I now have a month-old maroon clown that seems happy and uneffected by the previous illness. He was $18 at my lfs, but very, very pretty. :)
I do want a maroon clown but I liked having the two perculas. I might go with them again.
I also want to try my luck with a few fire fish.
I would like the purple ff but they are expensive and hard to find.