Want To Buy Live Rock


New Member
I am looking to buy some live rock around the North Dakota area. I am just starting my tank and I dont really want to buy the rock for almost 6 bucks a pound. I have a 90 gallon tank with a sump and a skimmer and 70 pounds of live sand with 15 lbs or base rock down. I was looking for about 75 lbs of the live rock. Is this a good number to go with. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Well i have about 90 lbs in my 70 gal. But that shoould be good since items you get coral wise down the line with have some rock. If you are just starting the tank and there isnt anything in it i would order online. It the place where u are going to get rock the cheapest. Hope you find some cheap enough. Good thing ur not up here some places sell LR for 9.99 a lb HAHAHAHAH