Want to know how tall


I am in the final stages of having a custom cabnit made up for my tank. Met with the cabnit maker tonight to finalize the blue prints and design.
I am going to put a 75 gal tank ontop of my entertainment center. Or rather have the entertainment center made to support the weight and all the necissary plumbing ( sump and refugium ) and home electronics.
Anyways total height is 85 1/2 inches tall and 54 inches long. This seams tall to me but it will still fit in the room and I can service it. Your opinions please.
How tall is your set up ?


most tank stands bought are only 30" tall. if the bottom of your is going to be 85"(7 foot)it could make it hard to get into top.. and even if the top of tank is at 7 foot it still going to be hard to see the bottom of tank while sitting on a nomal chair or couch..but hey.. its yours so go wild..
if it was me i would make tank at about 30" off the floor and build up the sides to hold all of the other stuff(vcr stereo dvd ) on one side tv on other or tv on same side as consule stuff and put tank to one side or other while still makeing it one unit..might be longer that way but not as tall..
just my thoughts

mr . salty

Active Member
If the top of the tank is any taller than your armpit,you will need to stand on something to reach to the bottom of the tank...Just a thought.I hate having to reach into mine because it is too tall...


As long as you know about the height and are happy with it, go for it. Do remember you will need a step stool to clean tank. Also make sure the stand is stable enough so whole unit with tank does not become top heavy and easy to tip. remember you will be supporting approx. 850 lbs. or more.


Staff member
Personally, I'd never put a tank in an entertainment center because I believe the nose and vibration fromt he electronic equiptment will disturb your tank inhabants. Additionally, salt spray is not good for electronic equiptment.
Either way, it seems problemmatic to me.


Not a good idea to put an aquarium in the same stand as electronics!!! You will regret it, don't do it! There WILL be salt creep, and there will almost certainly be splashing water when you work in the tank, which could get to your electronics. You've been warned!