want to know


New Member
I also have green round bubble lik things in my marine tank, but they lokk like some kind of vine.I used to have alot more, but when I did my Major water change a couple of months ago, i removed them because they were taking over my 100G. aquarium.
I have some live rock, which HAD feather dusters on them, but some kind of algae has covered over them.
I would like to know how to reduce the grass-like algae, my tank is not set-up as a reef, but the tank I have is over 2 years old and came up to Nevada with me from Calif.It contains five damsels, 2 cats, and my Snowflake eel (which has been in there for over 1 year). I would like any kind of info. possible on what kind of clean-up critters I can place in it, along with the intention of buying more fish.


Clean all the algea off the rock you can. May have to use a sponge or toothbrush, because this algea can smuther your live rock killing off its life and keeping coralline from growing. Scarlet reef crabs. blue legged crabs, Turbo Snails, Astrea Snails, most star fish and urchins(Long Spined Urchin) all will help with your algae in a non-reef tank.