Want to set up a nano cube. What size would you recommend?

I'm really looking at setting up a nano reef for my living room. I'm not new to the reef tank, but new to the nano. I've got all the space needed, but wanted to ask what size tank? I see a lot of you guys have 10-12 gallon setups. Are the smaller tanks harder to keep then the larger 20+ tanks? I want to do mainly liverock, zoo's, mushrooms and a few other critters. As far as fish maybe a pair of clowns, and a six line wrasse. What would you folks recommend as far as tank sizes, fish, critters for a nano tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by six line wrasse
I'm really looking at setting up a nano reef for my living room. I'm not new to the reef tank, but new to the nano. I've got all the space needed, but wanted to ask what size tank? I see a lot of you guys have 10-12 gallon setups. Are the smaller tanks harder to keep then the larger 20+ tanks? I want to do mainly liverock, zoo's, mushrooms and a few other critters. As far as fish maybe a pair of clowns, and a six line wrasse. What would you folks recommend as far as tank sizes, fish, critters for a nano tank?
they are harder to take care of, but for just zoos and mushrooms, you should be fine. Won't have to worry about keeping stable calc levels as much. 12 gallon nanocube is good. Everything else you said sounds good.


I would get the 24DX. An older version without moonlights and add your own. The R2 solutions fit nicely.