Want to start a 180 gal agg setup

I want to make an agressive tank with like 1 shark and other aggesive fish. I have a 180 gal custom tank in storage that I would like to set up. What kind of shark and fish can I put in it? How do I set up the rocks. If live rock how much do I put in. What kind of sand(I know it has to be soft). Can anybody give me some info on this?


Good sharks for that tank size are bamboos/epaulettes, coral cats, marbled cats, and maybe horns, although they might get too big. What are the dimensions of the tank? With a shark you'll be limited to maybe 2 other fish because of the tank size. Eels, groupers, and lions do well with the above species. Stay away from puffers and triggers.
In my 180g(with a horn and whitespotted bamboo) I have about 40lbs of lr I think. I wouldnt recommend you go much over that. Just enough to make some caves and stuff for the shark to hide if it wants. Make sure the structures are secure though. The sand I use is some aragonite I bought from a reefer who was selling his tank along with two bags of ls. Home depot sells stuff called southdown(also called tropical playsand) which is good.


Its not that tall tanks are bad for sharks, its just they tend to be pretty narrow, which is very bad. The sharks that can be kept in a tank around 180 gallons are all bottom dwellers so height is pretty much useless for them. For those species I mentioned earlier I recommend a footprint of atleast 6'x2', which is a standard 180 gallons footprint.



Originally posted by JIM27
Good sharks for that tank size are bamboos/epaulettes, coral cats, marbled cats, and maybe horns, although they might get too big......

A horn will get to big with time.
Jim27, how long have you had your horn, what size is he?


Yes, horns can get to nearly 4 feet, But a majority of them get about 3 ft. If you happen to get one of the smaller full grown adults then I'd say it could work. But you're probably better off avoiding them unless you're going with a bigger tank later.
I've had my horn since last november. He's about 17" I think.


Bamboos(brownbanded, whitespotted, etc), Coral catsharks and marbled catsharks would all do fine for life in a 180. Also wards and japanese wobbegongs too but they're really hard to find.
Jim-I would not recommend keeping any sharks with lions
Is that because of the member here(I forget who) whos leopard shark was stung by a lion? You run that risk with whatever you put in with a lion and its much less likely to happen with inactive bottom dwellers then with active sharks.

tony detroit

Active Member
novice lost a leopard
joe hildreth had two sharks get hit
I'm not saying you can't put a lion in there, but I am saying that I would not recommend it
If you look at my pics of my sharks you can see where both of then have been hit by the leopard. I need to take then out



Originally posted by tony detroit
novice lost a leopard
joe hildreth had two sharks get hit
I'm not saying you can't put a lion in there, but I am saying that I would not recommend it

Ok, but again it seems like all, or a majority, of the sharks getting sting are active sharks.